

1. emit; send out ( or up, forth); give off
~泡 send up bubbles; be bubbling
水壶正~着气。 The kettle is giving off steam.
泥浆从地下~出来。 Mud oozed from underground.
错误思想总是要~出来的。 Wrong ideas are bound to manifest themselves.
2. risk; brave
~着风浪出海 put to sea in spite of wind and wave; venture out on a stormy sea
~风险 run risks
1. boldly; rashly
~猜一下 make a bold guess; venture a guess
看见那人好像是老李, 我~喊一声。 As he looked very much like Lao Li, I made bold as to call out to him.
2. falsely (claim, etc.); fraudulently
~认 lay a false claim to
那人~称是部长的亲戚。 The man falsely claimed to be a relative of the minister.




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