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词汇 生活
1. life
日常~ daily life
政治~ political life
2. live
一个人脱离了社会就不能~下去。 One cannot live cut off from society.
3. livelihood
~困难 be badly off
关心群众的~ be concerned with the well-being of the masses
~出路 a chance to earn a living
~用品 articles for daily use
4. work (of workers, peasants, or handicraftsmen)
勤勤恳恳做~ work diligently at one's job; do conscientious work
~必需品 necessaries of life; daily necessities~补助 extra allowance for living expenses~方式 way of life; life style~费 living expenses; cost of living~福利 welfare; welfare benefits~环境 surroundings; environment~经验 experience of life~来源 source of income~能力 [生]viability~水平 living standard~条件 living conditions~习惯 habits and customs~细节 trifling matters of everyday life; domestic trivia~周期 [生]life cycle~资料 means of subsistence; means of livelihood




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