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1. remain; stay
你~在原地。 Stay where you are.
会后你~一下。 Will you please remain after the meeting.
2. reside in a foreign country to study
~日 study in Japan
~美 study in the U.S.
3. ask sb. to stay; keep sb. where he is
他们一定要~我们吃午饭。 They pressed us to stay for lunch.
那我就不~你了。 In that case I won't keep you any longer.
4. pay attention to
5. reserve; keep; save
~座位 reserve a seat for sb.
把钱~起来, 以后用。 Save the money for use later on.
6. let grow; grow; wear
~胡子 grow a beard (or moustache)
~小辫儿 wear plaits (or braids); wear one's hair in plaits (or braids)
7. accept (sth. given); take
我们的邻居想把五只小猫都给我们, 我们只~了一只。 Our neighbours wanted to give us all of their five kittens, but we only took one.
8. leave behind
给她~个条。 Leave a note for her.
请他~个地址。 Ask him to leave his address.




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