- ♦ ~述大意 give a brief account
- ♦ 这个提纲写得太~了。 This outline is rather too rough.
- ♦ ~读 a cursory reading
- ♦ ~加修改 make some slight changes; edit slightly
- ♦ ~有所闻 have heard a little about the matter
- ♦ ~有出入 vary slightly; there's a slight discrepancy
- 1. summary; brief account; outline
- ♦ 史略
- 2. strategy; plan; scheme
- ♦ 策略
- 1. omit; delete; leave out
- ♦ ~去不提 make no mention of; leave out altogether
- ♦ ~去细节 leave out the details
- 2. capture; seize
- ♦ 侵略