- 1. float
- ♦ 木头能~在水面上。 Wood floats on water.
- ♦ 潜水员~上来了。 The diver has emerged.
- ♦ 她脸上~起了笑容。 A faint smile played on her face.
- 2.
方 swim - ♦ 他一口气~到了对岸。 He swam across at one go.
- 1. on the surface; superficial
- ♦ 浮土
- 2. movable
- 3. temporary; provisional
- ♦ ~支 expenditure not in the regular account
- 4. shallow and frivolous; superficial
- ♦ 他这个人太~, 办事不踏实。 He is too frivolous to do solid work.
- 5. hollow; inflated
- ♦ 浮夸
- 6. excessive; surplus
- ♦ ~额 surplus number