

1. wind; coil
~线 wind thread
把铁丝~成圈 coil wire; wind wire into a coil
2. move round; circle; revolve
地球~着太阳转。 The earth moves (or revolves) round the sun.
运动员~场一周。 The athletes marched around the arena .
3. make a detour; bypass; go round
~过暗礁 bypass hidden reefs; steer clear of submerged rocks
你必须明确回答这个问题, 想~是~不过去的。 You must give a definite answer to the question. There's no getting round it.
4. confuse; baffle; befuddle
你的话把他~住了。 What you said confused him.
我一时~住了, 账目没算对。 I got confused and didn't work out the accounts correctly.




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