- 1. ask; inquire
- ♦ ~路 ask the way
- ♦ 不懂就~。 Ask when you don't know.
- ♦ 我~他为什么要那样做。 I asked him why he did it.
- ♦ 他在食堂~了一下开饭的时间。 He inquired about the meal times at the canteen.
- 2. ask after; inquire after
- ♦ 他信里~起你。 He asks after you in his letter.
- 3. interrogate; examine
- ♦ 审问
- 4. hold responsible
- ♦ 出了事惟你是~。 You'll be held responsible if anything goes wrong.
- 5. ask (sb.) for sth
- ♦ 我去~他借那本书。 I'll ask him to lend me the book.