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词汇 sign
1. 签(名);署(名)
I signed my name on the check. 我在支票上签了名。
The artist signed his name on the wall. 艺术家把名字签在了墙上。
2. 签字于;签署(信件或文件等)
sign a treaty 签署协约
We have signed a new contract. 我们已经签定了新的合同。
3. 雇用
The company wanted to sign several super stars with it. 这家公司想与几个超级明星签约。
4. 以手势表示;示意
The teacher signed him to go out. 老师示意他出去。
词组sign away 签字放弃
He signed away his right of upbringing to his son. 他签字放弃了儿子的抚养权。
sign for 签收
sign for a parcel 签收包裹
sign in
1. 签到;报到;登记
sign in at the reception 在前台登记
2. 使成为成员
3. 签收
sign off
1. 停止播放节目
The radio station was signing off with the signature tune. 广播电台以信号曲来结束广播。
2. 解雇;脱离关系
The boss signed him off for his dishonesty. 因为他的不诚实,老板解雇了他。
3. 离开;退出
It's too late. We should sign off. 太晚了,我们该离开了。
4. 签名来结束一封信
“I'd better sign off now. Yours Michael” “我还是就此搁笔吧。你的迈克尔”
5. 作下工记录
The workers have to sign off before leaving. 下班之前工人们必须作下工记录。
sign on
1. 签约雇用
He was signed on by a foreign company. 他被一家外企正式雇用。
2. 签约参加(组织)
She signed on for a quick cooking course. 她报名参加了一个厨艺速成班。
3. (电台)开始广播
The radio station signs on with the playing of the National Anthem. 电台以播放国歌开始一天的节目。
sign out 签名登记外出
The visitor signed out before going out. 游客在出去之前登记离开。
The general manager signed a car out of the office garage to pick up the clients. 总经理签字准许使用公司的汽车接客户。
sign over (正式将所有权)签字转让(某人)
The mother signed her property over to her daughter. 母亲签字把财产转让给女儿。
sign up
1. 签约受雇
He was signed up by a company. 他已经受雇于一家公司。
2. 报名参加
I have signed up for an evening school. 我已经报名参加夜校了。
3. 劝使签约
sign a customer up 劝诱顾客签订合同




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