

词汇 silence
silencesi•lence /'saɪləns/
1. U 寂静,无声
the silence of the night 夜的寂静
In the library silence reigned. 图书馆里一片寂静
2. C,U 沉默;默不作声
We held the telephone receiver in silence. 我们拿着电话听筒默不作声。
There was a short silence in the room. 房间里有一刻沉默。
3. U 缄默;只字不提
His silence on the subject made me uneasy. 他闭口不谈这个问题令我不安。
4. C,U 不联系;不写信;沉寂
After a long period of silence he suddenly contacted me. 中断通信很久之后他突然与我联系。
词组break silence 打破沉默,开口说话
It was the first time he broke silence for a question. 这是他第一次打破沉默回答问题。
keep silence 保持安静;保持沉默
All the participants kept silence throughout the ceremony. 与会者在整个仪式中保持沉默。




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