

词汇 round
adv [用在动词后] 主英
1. 绕圈(而行)地
make the wheels round 使轮子转动
2. (人或物)围绕地
Hearing the sound, many people gathered round at once. 听到那个声音,许多人马上围了上来。
3. 到处或逐一(给人地);在四周,在四处
We don't have enough seats to go round. 我们没有足够的座位供给大家。
Will you hand the papers round, please? 请你把试卷分发给大家,好吗?
Shall I show you round? 我带你四处看看好吗?
4. 向后,向相反方向
He turned round to look at her. 他转过身来看她。
5. 绕道地,绕行地
If you cannot swim over the river, you will have to walk round by the bridge located 5 miles away. 如果你不能游过河,就得步行经过5英里以外的那座桥了。
6. 在附近,在近处
all the groceries round 附近所有的杂货店
7. 非正式 到某人处;在某人处
Ask him round in 2 hours. 让他两个小时内赶到。
She invited her friends round for her birthday party. 她邀请朋友们到家里参加生日聚会。
8. 方圆
people who live two miles round 住在方圆两英里的人们
词组go round (and round)in circles (解决问题时)毫无进展 round about (时间、数目等)大约,左右
Come round about 2 o'clock. 两点左右来吧。
the first (second...) time round 第一(二…)次
Who says marriage is better the second time round? 谁说第二次婚姻就会更幸福?




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