

词汇 人民
the people
~币 Renminbi (RMB, Chinese monetary unit)~大会堂 the Great Hall of the People~代表大会 people's congress~法院 people's court~防空 people's air defence; civil air defence~公社 people's commune~检察院 people's procuratorate~警察 the people's police~来信 letters from the masses~民主专政 people's democratic dictatorship~内部矛盾 contradictions among the people~陪审员 [法]people's assessor~群众 the masses~日报 Renmin Ribao; the People's Daily~团体 mass organization; people's organization~武装部 people's armed forces department (of a county, etc.)~性 (in literary and artistic works) popular or folk character; feeling for the people; affinity to the people~英雄纪念碑 the Monument to the People's Heros~战争 people's war~阵线 popular front~政府 the People's Government




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