

1. you (second person singular)
~爸爸 your father
~带了多少钱? How much money do you have on you?
2. you (second person plural)
~方 your side; you
~校 your school
3. (referring to any person) you; one; anyone
碰到这么一个人, ~有什么办法? What can you do with a person like that?
4. (used coordinately with 我 or 他 in parallel structures to indicate several or many people behaving the same way)
三个人~看看我, 我看看~, 谁也不说话。 The three of them kept looking at one another without saying a word.
~一言, 我一语, 大家谈得很热闹。 A lively conversation went on with everybody joining in.




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