- ♦ 勇敢
- 1. be brave enough; dare
- ♦ ~想、~说、~干 dare to think, dare to speak and dare to act
- ♦ 过去连想都不~想的事, 现在变成了现实。 What one couldn't even imagine in the past has now become reality.
- 2. have the confidence to; be certain; be sure
- ♦ 我~说他一定乐于接受这个任务。 I'm confident he will be willing to undertake the task.
- ♦ 我不~说他究竟哪一天来。 I'm not sure just what day he will come.
- 3.
书 套 make bold; venture - ♦ ~问 I venture to ask; may I ask