- 1. count
- ♦ 从一~到十 count from 1 to 10
- ♦ ~~看一行有多少棵苗。 Count and see how many seedlings there are in a row.
- 2. be reckoned as exceptionally (good, bad, etc.)
- ♦ 全班~他个儿最高。 He is the tallest in the class.
- 3. enumerate; list
- ♦ 历~其罪 enumerate the crimes sb. has committed 另见 shùshuò
- 1. number; figure
- ♦ 代表人~ the number of delegates
- ♦ ~以万计 number tens of thousands
- 2.
数 number - ♦ 小数
- ♦ 整数
- 3.
语 number - ♦ 单数
- ♦ 复数
- 4. fate; destiny
- ♦ ~百人 several hundred people
- ♦ ~小时后 a few hours later 另见 shǔshuò
另见 shǔshù