

词汇 ask
1. 询问,打听
The kid is always asking awkward questions. 那个小孩总是问些古怪的问题。
I asked the policeman the way to the railway station. 我向警察打听去火车站的路。
2. 请求;征求
May I ask you a favour? 能不能请你帮我个忙?
I used to ask his advice. 过去我常征求他的意见。
3. 索价
He's asking $5,000 for that old car. 那辆旧车他居然要价5,000美元。
4. 邀请;邀约
ask guests to dinner 请客吃饭
Tom is too scared to ask Mary out. 汤姆羞怯得不敢约玛丽出去。
vi 询问;问候
He asked about my health. 他询问我的健康状况。
Tell your parents I ask about them. 请转告你父母我问他们好。
词组ask after 探问
I asked after his mother. 我问起他母亲的健康状况。
ask for
1. 要求
He refused to ask for help. 他拒绝寻求帮助。
2. 找人
Someone is asking for you. 有人正找你。
ask for trouble 自找麻烦;自讨苦吃
Driving after drinking alcohol is asking for trouble. 酒后开车是自讨苦吃。
I ask you (表示厌恶等)请问
Now, I ask you, can anybody stand such a thing? 请问,有谁能忍受得了这种事?




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