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1. push; shove
~车 push a cart
~了他一下 give him a push
把门~开 push (or shove) the door open
把竹排~进河里 shove (or push) the bamboo raft into the river
把子弹~上膛 ram a cartridge into the rifle chamber
2. turn a mill or grindstone; grind
~点白面 grind some wheat into flour
3. cut; pare
用刨子~光 make smooth with a plane; plane
~个光头 have one’s head shaved
4. push forward; promote; advance
把运动~向高潮 push the movement to a climax
5. infer; deduce
6. push away; shirk; shift
不要把重担子~给人家。 Don't shift burdensome tasks onto others.
7. put off; postpone
这项工作得抓紧, 不能老是往后~。 We have to get on with this job, we can't put it off day after day.
往后~几天 postpone for a few days
8. elect; choose
~他担任小组长 elect him group leader; choose him to be group leader
9. hold in esteem; praise highly




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