

词汇 strike
strike/straɪk/ (struck, struck; striking)
1. 打,击;碰撞
He struck the table with a heavy blow of his fist. 他用拳头猛击了一下桌子。
A snowball struck him on the back of his head. 一个雪球打中了他的后脑勺。
I struck my foot against a stone. 我的脚踢到了一块石头。
2. 猛然攻击;(疾病等)突然侵袭
The enemy struck the village at dawn. 敌人在黎明时向村子发起了进攻。
The town was struck by an outbreak of cholera. 那个小镇突然发生了霍乱。
3. 不用进行式 突然想起,突然意识到
A good idea suddenly struck me. 我突然想起一个好主意。
4. 击断;打掉
A branch was struck by lightning. 一根树枝被闪电击断了。
strike a knife from the burglar's hand 打落盗贼手中的刀子
5. 给…以印象;引起(感情等)
How does her composition strike you? 你觉得她的作文如何?
His words struck fear into my heart. 他的话引起了我内心的恐惧。
6. (钟等)敲响报时
The church clock began to strike twelve. 教堂的钟开始敲12点。
The clock strikes the hours. 钟报时。
7. 使吸引
I was struck by the beautiful music. 我被这优美的音乐吸引。
8. 给…以感受
We were struck dumb with horror. 我们被吓得目瞪口呆。
9. 照到…上;传入
The moon was striking the lake. 月亮正照着湖面。
A strange sound struck my ears. 一种奇怪的声音传入我的耳中。
10. 撤(营)
We were to strike camp before sunset. 我们将于日落前撤营。
1. 罢工
The police are forbidden to strike. 警察被禁止进行罢工。
Workers are striking for higher pay. 工人们为要求增加工资而罢工。
2. 袭击;(疾病的)侵袭
Police fear that the killer will strike again. 警方担心杀手会再次进行袭击。
Cholera struck and more than 200 people were dead. 霍乱流行,有200多人丧生。
3. 敲,鸣
Twelve has just struck. 12点钟刚敲过。
The clock has just struck. 钟刚敲过。
4. 给人以印象;突然想到
The word “AIDS” strikes terribly into many hearts. “艾滋病”这个词会使很多人心生恐惧。
5. (植物)生根;(种子)发芽;(药物)起作用
词组be struck on 迷恋 strike a balance 见balance strike a light 见light strike at
1. 向…打去,攻击
The man struck at the dog but missed. 那个人想打狗,但是没打中。
2. (企图)损害
This new regulation strikes at the rights of every employee. 新规定损害了每个雇员的权力。
strike back 反击,回击
He struck back his opponent with all his strength. 他用全力回击对手。
strike down
1. 撞倒;把…打倒
The old man was struck down by a car in the street. 那个老人在街上被一辆汽车撞倒。
He struck his opponent down. 他把对手击倒在地。
2. 取消;废除
strike down all death penalty statutes 废除一切死刑法规
3. 常用被动 使死亡(或失去活动能力)
The child was struck down by tuberculosis. 那孩子患肺结核病倒了。
strike home 击中要害
His blow struck home. 他那一拳打中了要害。
strike in
1. 突然开口插嘴
2. 印刷
strike in names and designations 印上姓名和职位
strike into 插进
It's unwise to strike into their quarrel. 插进他们的争吵是不明智的。
strike it rich 突发横财
He struck it rich when he became the heir. 当他成为继承人时,一下子就发财了。
strike luck 交好运
I hope to strike luck one day. 我希望有朝一日交好运。
strike off
1. 打落,砍掉(头)
strike off sb.'s head 砍掉某人的头
2. (从正式名单里)删去;扣除
His name was struck off the rolls. 他的名字被从名册里删去了。
The bank promised to strike off the interest of the loan. 银行答应免去贷款利息。
3. 走去
We struck off towards the lake. 我们朝湖边走去。
strike on
1. 突然想到;突然发现
I struck on a new idea. 我突然想到一个新主意。
The miners struck on a new gold mine. 矿工发现了一个新的金矿。
2. 撞在;照射在…上
The boat struck on the rock. 那条船触礁了。
The sun was striking on the ground. 阳光普照大地。
strike out
1. 发明;设计出
strike out a new plan 制定出一个新方案
2. 开创新道路;开辟
The young man decided to strike out on his own as a writer. 那个年轻人决定自己去闯一条写作的新路。
strike out a practical way 开创一条切实可行的方法
3. 删去,划掉
Strike out his last remark. 把他的最后一句话删掉。
1. 失败
He really struck out at last. 最后他确实失败了。
strike through 删掉,划去
My name has been struck through. 我的名字已经被划掉。
strike up 开始;开始谈话(或演唱)
strike up a negotiation 开始谈判
The band struck up a funeral dirge. 乐队奏起哀乐。
Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。




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