

词汇 string
1. C,U 线;绳;带
I need some string to tie up this package. 我需要一些绳子绑包裹。
a ball of string 一团线
2. C 一系列;一连串
a string of albums 一摞相册
a string of houses 一排房子
a string of lies 一连串的谎言
3. C 一串
a string of pearls 一串珍珠
4. C (乐器、球拍或弓的)弦
5. [~s] (乐队的)弦乐器;弦乐器演奏者
词组another string to one's bow 第二手准备,后备方案 harp on one's string 老调重弹 have sb. on a string 非正式 操纵某人
She's really had him on a string. 她真是牵着他的鼻子走。
have two strings to one's bow 做两手准备
I'm not afraid to be fired--I've had two strings to my bow. 我才不怕被炒鱿鱼呢——我已经做好了两手准备。
hold the purse strings 操纵财权
She held the purse strings in the family. 她掌握着家里的财政大权。
pull the strings 幕后操纵




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