

1. (used alone, esp. in contrast to 上) below
上有父母, ~有儿女 have parents above and children below—have a large family to take care of
2. (used after a preposition) down; downward
往~看 look down at sth.
他将帽沿向~拉了拉。 He pulled his hat down a little.
3. (used after a noun) under
树~ under a tree
山~ at the foot of a hill
零~五度 five degrees below zero
在月光~散步 take a walk in the moonlight
4. (used before a noun) lower (in position, rank, or quality)
分为上、中、~三等 divided into three grades: the upper, the middle and the lower
那本书在书架的最~一层。 The book is on the bottom shelf.
5. next (in time or order); latter; second
~次 next time
~礼拜 next week
~个世纪 next century
~两批 the next two batches
~一班车 the next bus or train
6. the second of two or the last of three
~集 Volume Two or Three; Vol.
1. or III /
~半学期 the second (or latter) half of the term (indicating scope, state, condition, etc.)
在党的领导~ under the leadership of the Party
在这种情况~ in (or under) such circumstances  (used in certain time expressions):时下Ⅱ副 (used before a verb) downward; down: 防止圆木~滑 prevent the logs from rolling down
2. down
坐~ sit down
躺~ lie down
传~一道命令 send down an order
走~楼 go downstairs
3. (indicating the capacity for holding or containing)
坐得~ can seat
坐不~ cannot seat
这么多菜我吃不~。 I can't eat all this food.
1. come or go down from; descend
~山 descend the mountain; come or go down a mountain
~楼 descend the stairs; go or come downstairs
~床 get out of bed
顺流而~ sail or go downstream
2. get off (a conveyance); alight
~车 get off a car or bus
~电梯 get off an elevator
~飞机 get off a plane; alight from a plane
3. (of rain, snow, etc.) come down; fall
~雨 rain
~雪 snow
~雹子了。 It's hailing.
~霜了。 There is frost.
雪~得很大。 The snow is falling heavily. or It's snowing hard.
4. issue (an order, etc.); deliver; send out (an invitation, etc.)
~命令 issue (or give) orders
~请帖 send an invitation
我们早~过通知了。 We have already sent out notices.
5. go to (a place thought of as lower or below)
~地狱 go down to hell
~馆子 go and eat in a restaurant
6. leave (the stage, field, etc.); exit
换人, 四号~, 三号上。 Substitution, No. 3 for No. 4.
7. put in (ingredients of food, fertilizer, poison, capital, etc.); cast
~作料 put in the condiments; add the ingredients
~面条 put noodles in a pot of boiling water to cook; cook noodles in boiling water
8. play (a board game); make a move (in a board game)
~围棋 play go
该你~了。 Your turn to make a move.
9. take down or off; dismantle; unload
把纱窗~下来 take the screen window off
船上的货还没~完。 The cargo hasn't all been unloaded yet.
10. give (a definition, conclusion, etc.)
~定义 give a definition; define
~决心 make a resolution; determine
~结论 draw a conclusion
11. apply; use
~力气 put forth strength; make an effort; exert oneself
~刀 get a knife into sth.
12. (of animals) give birth to; drop (a litter); lay (eggs)
~了一窝小猪 give birth to (or drop) a litter of piglets
13. capture (a city); take
连~数城 take several cities in succession
14. give in
15. get off (work); get out of (class)
~夜班 come off night duty
早~课了。 The class has long been dismissed.
16. (used in the negative) be less than
参加大会的不~三千人。 No less than 3, 000 people attended the conference.
1. (for verbs of action) stroke; time(s)
钟敲了三~。 The clock struck three times.
推了我一~ gave me a push
2. (used after 两 or 几) what one is good at or capable of
想不到他还有几~。 I never expected him to be so capable.
我就会这么两~。 That's all I can do.




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