- 1. report; announce; declare
- ♦ ~公安局 report to the public security bureau
- ♦ ~上级批准 report (or submit) sth. to the higher authorities for approval
- 2. reply; respond; reciprocate
- ♦ ~友人书 a (letter in) reply to a friend
- ♦ ~以热烈的掌声 respond with warm applause
- 3. recompense; requite
- ♦ 无以为~ be unable to repay a kindness
- 4. revenge
- ♦ 报仇
- 1. retribution; judgment
- 2. newspaper
- ♦ 日报
- 3. periodical; journal
- ♦ 画报
- 4. bulletin; report
- ♦ 战报
- 5. telegram; cable
- ♦ 发报