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词汇 gain
1. 正式 获得,赢得,取得
gain the upper hand 占上风
gain experience(a fortune) 获得经验(发财)
2. 使获得;使得到;使赢得
gain sb. supporters 使某人获得支持者
3. 增加,增添
The plane gained speed after it took off. 飞机起飞后越飞越快。
gain weight 增加体重
4. (钟、表等)快
My clock gains a minute a day. 我的钟一天快一分。
5. 正式 (经过努力)到达
After battling against the blizzard, we finally gained our destination. 在同暴风雪搏斗之后,我们终于到达了目的地。
6. 推进(一段距离)
At the break of dawn we had gained 15 miles. 破晓时分,我们向前推进了15英里。
1. 受益,得益
Who will gain from(或by) the policy ?谁会从这项政策中得益?
2. 增加,增进;取得进展;增进健康
The leader of the opposition gained significantly in reputation as a result of his speech on environmental pollution. 由于发表了有关环境污染问题的演说,反对党领袖的声望大大提高了。
You can only gain by further study. 只有通过进一步学习你才能取得进步。
The sick man is gaining. 这人的病渐渐好起来。
3. (钟、表)走快
This clock neither gains nor loses. 这个钟走得既不快也不慢。
词组gain on(或upon)
1. 逼近,赶上;对…占优势
Faster! He is gaining on you. 快点,他要赶上你了!
The days are gaining on the nights. 白天逐渐比夜晚长了。
2. 海洋侵蚀
The sea is daily gaining on the land. 海洋每天都在侵蚀陆地。
3. 赢得…的好感
He is gaining upon his master's heart by degrees. 他正渐渐博得主人的欢心。
gain over 把…争取过来
The opposition party tried very hard to gain over hostile tribes. 反对党竭力争取敌对的集团
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。




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