

词汇 thrust
thrust/θrʌst/ (thrust, thrust)
1. 插入;刺进
Don't thrust your hands into your pockets. 别把手插进口袋。
The butcher thrust the knife into the meat. 屠夫把刀子插进肉里。
2. 用力推…;推进
The man thrust a bag into his hands and ran away. 那个人把皮包往他手里一塞就跑。
He thrust the guard aside. 他一把将守卫推开。
3. 刺;戳
The murderer thrust a dagger into his heart. 凶手将匕首刺入他的心脏。
1. 推进
He thrust forward through the throng. 他在人群中横冲直撞。
2. 刺入;插进
The man thrust at him with a knife. 那个人用刀子刺了他。
词组thrust oneself in (或into) 强行闯入;干涉 thrust out
1. 逐出;解雇
The old engineer has been thrust out to make way for young men. 为了给新人让位那位老工程师被解雇了。
2. 突然伸出;挺起
The little boy thrust out a hand for money. 小男孩突然伸出一只手来要钱。




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