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词汇 pick
1. 选取,挑选
Only the best players were picked to play in the match. 只有最佳选手才被选去参赛。
2. 采摘,采集
The girl was picking up wild flowers. 那女孩正在采野花。
3. 啄,啄取
chickens picking corn 啄食玉米的小鸡
The pigeons were picking crumbs. 鸽子正在啄面包屑。
4. (用手指等)掏,扒;从…上剔除
pick one's teeth 剔牙
pick one's nose 掏鼻孔
5. 拔去,除去
pick a chicken clean of feathers 把鸡毛拔干净
pick a hair from the collar of one's coat 捡去衣领上的一根头发
6. 撬开,扒窃…中的东西
He had his pocket picked. 他被扒窃了。
pick a lock 撬锁
7. 寻衅,挑毛病
pick a quarrel 寻衅吵架
8. 弹拨(琴弦);弹奏
词组have (got) a bone to pick with 同…有争端要解决;对…有理由怀恨 pick and choose 挑挑拣拣;挑三拣四 pick at
1. 无食欲地吃;无兴趣地干某事
She only picked at her food. 她毫无胃口,只吃了一点点。
2. 拉扯,抓弄
The little boy was picking at his mother's sleeve, trying to get her attention. 那小孩抓弄着妈妈的衣袖,试图引起她的注意。
3. 对…唠叨指责
My grandmother likes picking at me. 我奶奶总喜欢对我数落不停。
pick holes (或a hole) in sb.'s coat 挑某人的毛病 pick off
1. 摘下;拔掉
We have picked off all the oranges. 我们已把橘子全部摘了。
2. 逐个射中
pick off the enemy one by one 把敌人一个一个地击倒
pick on
1. 找…的茬儿;对…唠叨指责
Why does the boss always pick on me? 为什么我老板总跟我过不去呢?
2. 挑选;选中
The teacher always picked on me to answer the question. 老师总是挑我回答问题。
pick sth.(或sb.) out
1. 挑出,选出
She picked out that pair of shoes to wear with the dress. 她选出那双鞋和那件连衣裙搭配。
2. 辨认出,分辨出
Can you pick out your elder sister in this crowd? 你能在这群人中找出你姐姐吗?
3. 弄清,了解(意义等)
pick out the meaning of the passage 弄清这一段的意思
4. 凭听觉记忆弹奏
pick out a tune on the guitar 凭记忆用吉他弹奏
5. 把…衬托出来
6. 取出,挖出
We picked out the weeds among the rice. 我们拔除了稻丛间的杂草。
pick over
1. 仔细检查以便选出最佳者,剔除劣品
pick over a basket of oranges 在一篓橘子中进行挑选
2. 不断地讲(或想)不愉快的事情
Don't keep picking over our old quarrel, let's be friends again. 不要老是想我们以前的争吵,让我们和好吧!
pick sb.'s brains 窃取某人的脑力劳动成果 pick up 捡起,拾起
I picked up a coin on the road. 我在路上拾起一个硬币。
pick up the phone
1. 接电话
2. (跌倒后)站起来
Mary picked herself up and dusted herself off. 玛丽站起身来拍了拍身上的灰尘。
3. 整理,收拾
Please pick up your slippers. 请把你的拖鞋放好。
He made some effort to pick up the apartment. 他下了一些工夫去收拾他的公寓。
4. (尤指偶然地)获得;找到;学会;买到
pick up some knowledge of physics 偶然获得一些物理知识
He has picked up some bad habits at that club. 他在那个俱乐部染上了一些坏习惯。
5. 收集
They are trying to pick up information. 他们正设法收集情报。
6. 看到,听到,收看(或收听)到
the intruding enemy planes picked up by our radar installations 被我们的雷达装置发现的入侵敌机
pick up the radio 收听电台广播
7. 把…载上车(或船等);搭车(或船等)
The train stopped to pick up passengers. 火车停下来让乘客上车。
8. 与…偶然结识(常指与异性调情)
I wish I could just go out and pick up a nice man. 我希望我出去能遇上一个英俊的男人。
9. 找到(踪迹)
pick up a scent 察出气味
pick up the track on the other side of the river 在河对岸发现踪迹
10. 恢复健康;振作起来
A bite of something might pick you up. 吃一点东西也许能使你精神振作起来。
The invalid is picking up. 病人正在恢复健康。
11. (情况等)好转,改进,提高
The firm is picking up now. 该公司的生意正在好转。
The prices of these commodities will pick up. 这些商品可能会涨价。
12. 重新得到,恢复(中断后的活动、谈话等);重新鼓起勇气(或希望等)
pick up one's spirits 振作精神
He is expecting to pick up where he had left off. 他希望把他中途放下的工作继续做下去。
13. 增加速度,加速
The car picked up speed. 汽车加快了速度。
14. 付(账)
My elder sister always picks up the bill after having a meal. 每次饭后总是我姐姐付账。
15. 逮捕,拘捕
be picked up on a charge of forgery 因犯伪造罪而被逮捕
The police picked him up as he was trying to leave the country. 他正要离开该国时,警方把他逮捕了。
16. 找岔子;责问
She picked him up for using bad language. 她指责他出言不逊。
I made a few mistakes and he picked me up for them. 我犯了几个错误,为此他责备了我。
17. 偷窃;骗取;诈取
My wallet is picked up. 我的钱包被偷了。




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