- 1.
丑事,丑闻 -
• The scandal about the president is spread through the whole country. 关于总统的丑闻传遍了全国。 - 2.
令人无法相信的事情 -
• The price of petrol these days is really a scandal. 最近的油价简直无法令人相信。 -
• It is a scandal that the defendant was declared innocent. 被告被判无罪,真令人难以置信。 - 3.
(社会上的)反感,义愤 -
• The news about the filmstar's private life caused a scandal. 关于这位影星私生活的新闻引起了社会的一致反感。 - 4.
诽谤,流言蜚语 -
• Don't mind those scandals. 不要理会那些流言蜚语。