- 1. soil; earth
- ♦ 一把~ a handful of soil
- ♦ ~坷拉 a lump of earth; clod
- ♦ 用~把种子盖上 cover seeds with earth
- ♦ ~台 an earthen platform
- ♦ 他鞋上都是~。 There's dust all over his shoes.
- 2. land; ground
- ♦ 国土
- ♦ 领土
- 3. (crude) opium
- ♦ 烟土
- 1. local; native
- ♦ 他穿着那件大褂显着~得很。 He looks very rustic in his gown.
- ♦ 他说的是很~的北京话。 He speaks with a broad Beijing accent.
- 2. homemade; indigenous
- ♦ ~办法 indigenous methods
- ♦ ~杂肥 farmyard manure
- 3. unrefined; unenlightened
- ♦ 土里土气