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词汇 give
give/ɡɪv/ (gave/ɡeɪv/, given/'ɡɪv(ə)n/ )
1. 给予;授予
She gave me her telephone number. 她把自己的电话号码给了我。
be given the title of 被授予…的称号
2. 交给
Give me the baby while you look for your keys. 你找钥匙时把孩子给我。
3. 赠送;捐赠
She gave him a book for his birthday. 他生日时她送给他一本书。
He often gives money to the charity. 他常向慈善业捐款。
4. 付(钱)
How much will you give me for my old computer? 你愿意出多少钱买我的旧电脑?
5. 主动伸出(手、臂等)
She got up and gave me her hand. 她站起来,向我伸出手。
6. 举出(事例等);提供
Can you give me some examples? 你能给我举些例子吗?
This brochure will give you the details about this trip. 这本小册子有关于这次旅行的详细资料。
7. 传递(消息等)
Could you give him a message? 你能给他传个口信吗?
8. 传染(疾病等)
He gave me his flu. 他把流感传给了我。
9. 发出(光、热、声音等);做(一个动作)
The sun gives light and heat. 太阳发出光和热。
Give me a kiss. 吻我一下。
10. 生产;生育;产生
Cows give milk. 奶牛产奶。
She gave him a son. 她给他生了个儿子。
11. 举办,举行
give a concert 举行音乐会
12. 介绍(演讲者等)
Ladies and gentlemen,I give you our speakers for tonight. 女士们,先生们,让我向诸位介绍今晚的演讲人。
13. (将电话等为通话者)接到
Please give me Mr. Henry. 请给我接亨利先生。
14. 判处;作出(裁决)
The judge gave him 3 years for stealing. 因盗窃罪,法官判他3年监禁。
The linesman gave the ball out. 边裁判判此球出界。
15. 指定;规定(时间);估计(时间)
Give them a week to finish the job. 限他们一个星期完成这项工作。
He gave the storm 3 minutes before it reached us. 他估计风暴还有3分钟就到达我们这里了。
They are going to marry - I give it six weeks. 他们要结婚了——肯定长不了!
16. 承认
It's not cheap, I'll give you that, but it's really a good hotel. 这旅馆不便宜,这点我承认,但确实非常好。
17. 在乎
He never gives a damn(或toss) about it. 他对这根本就不在乎。
1. 捐助;赠送
She gives freely to the poor. 她慷慨地救济穷人。
2. (在压力下)变形
The branch he was sitting on began to give. 他坐的那根树枝弯了下来。
My courage will never give. 我将永不气馁。
3. 让步
The two companies reached an agreement after each had given a little. 两家公司在双方稍作让步后达成了协议。
4. 说话;提供情况
He just won't give. 他就是不肯说话。
词组give away
1. 赠送
He gave away most of his fortune to the poor. 他把自己的大部分钱财送给了穷人。
2. 颁发(奖品等)
I'm invited to give away the prizes tonight. 我被邀请今天晚上去发奖。
3. 暴露;泄露
give away a secret (无意中)泄露秘密
4. 告发
He was given away by one of his friends. 他被一个朋友出卖了。
5. 丧失
You have given away a good chance of success. 你已失掉了一个成功的良机。
6. 在婚礼上将(新娘)交给新郎
Rose was given away by her father. 在婚礼上罗丝由她父亲交给了新郎。
give back
1. 归还
It isn't mine; I must give it back to the owner. 这不是我的,我得把它还给原主。
2. 使…恢复
Living here has given me back my health. 此地的生活使我恢复了健康。
3. 反射(声、光等)
a wall of rock that gives back loud echoes 产生响亮回音的岩壁
4. 后退,后撤
Give back there, the express is due. 往后退,特快列车就要进站了。
5. 报复
He gave back my reproaches. 他对我的责备进行报复。
give in
1. 屈服;投降
He would rather die than give in. 他宁死不屈。
2. 上交;递交
Give in your exercise books. 把你们的练习本交上来。
He gave in his resignation yesterday. 他昨天递上了辞呈。
give of 提供;献出
They gave generously of their experience and advice. 他们慷慨地提供了自己的经验和忠告。
give off
1. 散发(气味等);发出(光,热等)
The chimney is giving off volumes of black smoke. 那只烟囱里正在冒出大量的浓烟。
2. 长出(分枝等)
The leafy tree in front of her bedroom window gives off many branches. 她卧室窗前的那株叶子茂盛的树长出了许多分枝。
give out
1. 散发(试卷、金钱等)
Who would like to give out the examination papers for me? 谁愿意来帮我发试卷?
2. 发出(光、热、声音等)
The cowboy gave out a yell. 这牛仔大叫一声。
3. 正式 公布,宣布
The results of the examination won't be given out. 这次考试的成绩将不予公布。
The date of the election will be given out soon. 选举日期将很快宣布。
4. 筋疲力尽
Tom's legs gave out and he couldn't run farther. 汤姆两腿无力,再也跑不动了。
5. 停止运转
The engine suddenly gave out. 发动机突然停止运转了。
give over 停止;抛弃(习惯)
Please give over crying. 请不要再哭了。
give over a mode of life 放弃某种生活方式
give over to
1. 托付
The keys were given over to our neighbours during our absence. 我们不在期间钥匙交给邻居保管。
2. 把…留作特定用途
The fifth floor is given over to the administrative offices. 第五层楼作办公室用。
3. 放任(自己);沉溺(于…)
give oneself over to drinking 酗酒
He gave himself over to laughter. 他纵情大笑。
give up
1. 放弃(某物或某事)
give up an old car for a new one 出让旧车买新车
The film actress gave up her career and married. 那位电影演员放弃事业结婚了。
2. 认输
I can't answer that puzzle; I give up. 我猜不出那个谜语,我认输。
3. 献出(生命、时间等)
give up one's life for the country 为国献身
4. 供出(某人)的躲藏处:泄露
The criminal has given up the names of his accomplices. 罪犯已供出了同案犯的姓名。
5. 停止
give up a discussion 停止讨论
6. 放弃找到(或治愈)…的希望
The ring has been given up for lost. 人们都认为戒指找不到了。
The doctor gave him up for dead. 医生认为他没救了。
give up on 对…不抱希望
I give up on you, you will never improve your grades. 我对你不抱希望了,你的分数永远提不高了。
give up to 沉溺于
men who give themselves up to debauchery 沉溺于酒色的人们
give the alarm 报警,告急;引起警觉
The dog's barking gave the alarm. 犬吠声引起了人们的注意。

give, present, offer, bestow, confer



I gave him some money.我给了他一些钱。


He was invited to present the prizes at the annual flower show. 他受邀在一年一度的花展上颁奖。

present a prize颁奖


I offered to help him.我表示愿意帮助他。


They bestowed a gold medal on/upon the winner.他们颁发金牌给优胜者。


The University conferred an honorary degree on this distinguished journalist.该大学授予这位杰出的新闻记者名誉学位。





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