- 1.
给予;授予 -
• She gave me her telephone number. 她把自己的电话号码给了我。 -
• be given the title of 被授予…的称号 - 2.
交给 -
• Give me the baby while you look for your keys. 你找钥匙时把孩子给我。 - 3.
赠送;捐赠 -
• She gave him a book for his birthday. 他生日时她送给他一本书。 -
• He often gives money to the charity. 他常向慈善业捐款。 - 4.
付(钱) -
• How much will you give me for my old computer? 你愿意出多少钱买我的旧电脑? - 5.
主动伸出(手、臂等) -
• She got up and gave me her hand. 她站起来,向我伸出手。 - 6.
举出(事例等);提供 -
• Can you give me some examples? 你能给我举些例子吗? -
• This brochure will give you the details about this trip. 这本小册子有关于这次旅行的详细资料。 - 7.
传递(消息等) -
• Could you give him a message? 你能给他传个口信吗? - 8.
传染(疾病等) -
• He gave me his flu. 他把流感传给了我。 - 9.
发出(光、热、声音等);做(一个动作) -
• The sun gives light and heat. 太阳发出光和热。 -
• Give me a kiss. 吻我一下。 - 10.
生产;生育;产生 -
• Cows give milk. 奶牛产奶。 -
• She gave him a son. 她给他生了个儿子。 - 11.
举办,举行 -
• give a concert 举行音乐会 - 12.
介绍(演讲者等) -
• Ladies and gentlemen,I give you our speakers for tonight. 女士们,先生们,让我向诸位介绍今晚的演讲人。 - 13.
(将电话等为通话者)接到 -
• Please give me Mr. Henry. 请给我接亨利先生。 - 14.
判处;作出(裁决) -
• The judge gave him 3 years for stealing. 因盗窃罪,法官判他3年监禁。 -
• The linesman gave the ball out. 边裁判判此球出界。 - 15.
指定;规定(时间);估计(时间) -
• Give them a week to finish the job. 限他们一个星期完成这项工作。 -
• He gave the storm 3 minutes before it reached us. 他估计风暴还有3分钟就到达我们这里了。 -
• They are going to marry - I give it six weeks. 他们要结婚了——肯定长不了! - 16.
承认 -
• It's not cheap, I'll give you that, but it's really a good hotel. 这旅馆不便宜,这点我承认,但确实非常好。 - 17.
口 在乎 -
• He never gives a damn(或toss) about it. 他对这根本就不在乎。
- 1.
捐助;赠送 -
• She gives freely to the poor. 她慷慨地救济穷人。 - 2.
(在压力下)变形 -
• The branch he was sitting on began to give. 他坐的那根树枝弯了下来。 -
• My courage will never give. 我将永不气馁。 - 3.
让步 -
• The two companies reached an agreement after each had given a little. 两家公司在双方稍作让步后达成了协议。 - 4.
说话;提供情况 -
• He just won't give. 他就是不肯说话。
give, present, offer, bestow, confer
I gave him some money.我给了他一些钱。
He was invited to present the prizes at the annual flower show. 他受邀在一年一度的花展上颁奖。
present a prize颁奖
I offered to help him.我表示愿意帮助他。
They bestowed a gold medal on/upon the winner.他们颁发金牌给优胜者。
The University conferred an honorary degree on this distinguished journalist.该大学授予这位杰出的新闻记者名誉学位。