- 1. draw out; pull out; fish out
- ♦ ~手枪 draw a pistol
- ♦ ~炉灰 clear the ashes from a stove
- ♦ ~鸟窝 take young birds or eggs out of a nest; go bird's-nesting
- ♦ ~耳朵 pick one's ears
- ♦ ~蛐蛐儿 catch crickets
- ♦ 这顿饭是他~的钱。 He footed the bill for the meal.
- 2. dig (a hole, etc.); hollow out; scoop out
- ♦ 在墙上~一个洞 make a hole in the wall
- 3. steal from sb.'s pocket
- ♦ 他的皮夹子被~了。 His wallet was stolen (by a pickpocket).