- 1. C
承认(事实、错误);供认 -
• To give up now would be an admission of failure. 现在放弃就等于承认失败。 - 2. U
准许进入,加入权 -
• He has the qualities for admission into(或to) the club. 他具备进入该俱乐部的条件。 - 3. U
入场费;入场券 -
• The admission to the concert is thirty dollars. 音乐会门票是30美元。 - 4. U
录用,任命 -
• admission to the practice of law 被准予执行律师业务
admission, admittance
Your application for admission to the society has been approved.你的入会申请已获批准。
Admission to the show is two dollars.这次演出的入场券每张两美元。
His admission that he was to blame kept the others from being punished.他承认自己难辞其咎,从而避免了别人受罚。