

词汇 agree
agreea•gree /ə'ɡriː/
1. ( 对计划、提议等)表示同意;赞成(建议等)
Do you agree to this arrangement? 你同意这个安排吗?
I agree with your argument. 我同意你的论点。
2. 持相同意见;持一致看法
I agree with you. 我的意见与你相同。
3. 愿意;应允
She agrees to marry him. 她答应和他结婚。
4. 商定,达成协议
agree on a treaty 商定条约
Have you agreed about the price yet? 你们讲妥了价格没有?
5. 相同,相符,一致
The story agrees with the facts. 报道和事实相符。
6. 【语】 (在数、性、格或人称方面) 呼应,与…一致
The verb doesn't agree with the subject in number. 这个动词与主语的单复数不一致。
1. 承认 (正确)
He agreed that he had been careless. 他承认自己粗心。
2. 达成一致意见
agree a price 商定价格
Most scientists agree that global warming is a serious problem. 大多数科学家认为,全球变暖是个严重的问题。
词组I couldn't agree more. 英口 我完全赞同。 agree to differ 同意各自保留不同意见 –agreer n C




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