

词汇 set
set/set/ (set, set; setting)
1. 放,置
set a tray on the table 把托盘放在桌上
He set his hand on the boy's head. 他把手放在男孩的头上。
2. 放火;点燃
They set a fire to keep warm. 他们生火取暖。
3. 树立(榜样、模范);开创(先河等);创造(纪录等)
set an example to sb. 为某人树立榜样
set a precedent 开先例
set a new record 创造新纪录
4. 确定,决定(时间);规定(价格等);制定(规则等)
They have set a date for their wedding. 他们已经确定了婚礼的日期。
The price has been set at $100. 价格定在100美元。
The government has set some new restrictions on immigration. 政府制定了一些针对移民的最新限制。
5. 使…做
He set the boy to steal some money. 他叫男孩去偷些钱。
6. 指派(工作等),布署(任务等)
After having achieved the first goal, he set himself a second one. 实现了第一个目标之后,他又给自己制定了一个新的。
This boy likes to set questions. 这个男孩爱提问题。
Who set the exam paper? 谁出的考卷?
7. 使处于特定状态;使开始
His appearance set my heart beating. 他一出现,我的心就怦怦直跳。
set a machine going 使机器运转
set the windows open 使窗户敞开着
8. 安排
set rooms for guests 为客人们安排房间
9. 准备好;调整好
She has set the table for dinner. 她在桌子上摆好餐具准备开饭。
The table is set for six guests. 这一桌是为六位客人准备的。
10. 镶嵌;点缀
The sky was set with stars. 星星点缀着天空。
set the glass in the window 给窗户镶玻璃
11. 谱曲,作曲
The musician set a piece of music for the violin. 音乐家作了一支小提琴曲。
12. 配置,部署;派遣,委派
set guards at the gate 在门口设置卫兵
He was set to spy on their action. 他被指派暗中监视他们的行动。
13. 倾注心力
He has set his heart on this job. 他一心想得到这份工作。
14. 调整;拨对(钟表等)
set the direction 调整方向
set the alarm for 7 o'clock 将闹钟拨到7点整
15. 设置布景;设置背景;描述场景
The workers were setting the stage for the performance. 工人们正在为演出布置舞台。
The novel is set in pre-war Shanghai. 这部小说以战前的上海为背景。
16. 使凝结;使凝固
set the cement in a mold 把水泥注入模子凝固
17. 卷(或做)头发;使具有所需要的发型
18. 【印】 排(铅字);排板
In ancient times people set type by hand. 在古代人们用手排字。
19. 设(陷阱),张(罗网)
set a trap 设陷阱
1. (日、月、星星等)沉落,西下
The sun sets in the west. 太阳从西边落下。
2. (势力等)衰落
By then the emperor's power had begun to set. 那时国王的势力已开始衰落。
3. 使(流体)凝固
Blood sets after a few minutes. 血液几分钟之后便凝固。
4. 使(头发)成型
5. 【印】 排铅字
The workers were setting from a manuscript. 工人们正在照着一部手稿排字。
词组set about
1. 开始(或着手)做某事
After dinner he set about his homework. 晚饭后他开始做功课。
2. 散布(谣言等)
set about rumour 散布流言蜚语
3. 攻击
They set about that man with sticks. 他们用木棒攻击那个人。
set against
1. 使反对;使敌视
This matter set his parents against him. 这件事使他与父母反目成仇。
2. 把…和…作比较
set the advantages against the disadvantages. 权衡利弊
3. 用…加以抵消,从…中扣除
Some losses can be set against taxes. 部分亏损可因少付税款得到补偿。
set apart 使不同于
Her yellow hair set her apart from others. 她的黄头发使她显得与众不同。
set aside
1. 留下,拨出(时间或金钱等)
You should set aside some time for rest. 你应该留一些时间休息。
2. 不讲究;不理会;不接受
He set my suggestion aside. 他对我的建议置之不理。
3. 取消;宣布…无效
The higher court set the decision of the lower one aside. 上级法院撤销了下级法院的判决。
set at 袭击
The man set a dog at him. 那个人让狗咬他。
set back
1. 耽误;阻挠
The bad weather set back our plan. 恶劣的天气推迟了我们的计划。
2. 花费,花掉
The case set him back a lot of money. 这件案子花了他很多钱。
3. (把钟表)往回拨
set before
1. 将…摆在…的前面
2. 向某人提出想法(或建议)
Your proposal will be set before the boss. 你的建议将被提交给老板。
set beside 和…相比
As a writer there is no one to set beside him. 作为作家没有人能和他相比。
set by
1. 搁在一边,不再留意
2. 留出时间(或金钱)
Every month we set by some money to save in the bank. 每月我们都留出一些钱存入银行。
3. 尊重;重视
He set little by death. 他蔑视死亡。
set down
1. 放下
set down the box 放下箱子
2. 让(乘客)下车;使(飞机)着陆
The driver set the passengers down at the bus station. 司机让乘客在车站下车。
The plane set down in a heavy rain. 飞机在大雨中降落。
3. 写下,记下
Every word has been set down in the notebook. 每一句话都被记录在笔记本上了。
4. 规定;确定
A new plan has been set down. 新的计划已经制定出来了。
5. 把…归因于
We all set his mistake down to his ignorance. 我们把他的错误归因于无知。
set forth
1. 举出,列出;阐明
He set forth his view on this matter. 他阐明了自己对此事的观点。
The collector set forth all his collections. 收藏家陈列出他所有的收藏。
2. 动身,启程
We decided to set forth tomorrow. 我们决定明天出发。
set forward
1. 出发
We'd better set forward soon. 我们最好马上出发。
2. 提出
They set forward some good ideas. 他们提出了一些好主意。
3. 促进
The movement set forward the process of reform. 这场运动促进了改革的进程。
4. 把(钟表等)拨快
set in
1. (某种天气的)到来;开始
The rainy season has set in. 雨季已经开始了。
2. (潮水)上涨
3. 插入;缝上
Can you help me to set in the button? 你能帮我把扣子缝上吗?
set off
1. 出发,启程
Tomorrow morning we'll set off for home. 明晨我们将动身回家。
2. 使开始(做某事)
As long as he sets off he never stops. 只要他的话匣子一打开就停不了。
3. 引爆(炸弹);燃放(烟火、炮竹等)
The bomb set off among the crowd. 炸弹在人群中爆炸。
4. 引起(抗议、暴力等)
What he said set off laughter. 他的话引起一片笑声。
5. 把…衬托得美丽
The dark velvet sets off the diamond. 深色的丝绒把宝石衬托得更加夺目。
set on
1. 袭击,攻击
The bad master set the dog on the stranger. 恶毒的主人放狗去咬陌生人。
2. 教唆,煽动
He always set other boys on. 他总是鼓动其他孩子捣乱。
set out
1. 出发,动身
set out on a trip 动身去旅行
set out for America 出发去美国
2. 开始
He set out on his experiment at the age of 18. 他18 岁开始他的实验。
3. 打算,试图
He set out to prove that he was right. 他试图证明自己是正确的。
4. 系统地安排;详述
Grammar in this book is well set out. 这本书中的语法讲述得很系统。
5. 摆出
set out chairs for the meeting 为会议摆放好桌子
6. 布置;规划;设计
set to 精力充沛地开始做某事
We all set to and got the room cleaned. 我们一起干起来,很快就把房间打扫干净了。
set up
1. 开创,建立
set up a school 建立一所学校
set up a company 开办公司
2. 调试(机器等),使准备使用
How long will it take to set up the machine? 调试这台机器需要多长时间?
3. 设置;布置
set up the stage for the performance 为演出布置舞台
4. 竖起;建造
set up a tent 搭帐篷
set up a nuclear station 建立核电站
5. 树立,推崇
He was set up as an example. 他被树立为我们的榜样
6. 升起,张贴
set up a flag 升旗
7. 冤枉,诬陷
He was set up; he's not to blame. 他是被诬陷的,他没有错。
8. 增进健康;使精神好起来
I was set up by the good news. 好消息使我感到振奋。
9. 发出叫声,骚乱声
The baby set up a wail. 婴儿大声地哭嚎。
10. 引起
The wet weather sets up the ache in my old wound. 潮湿的天气使我腿部的旧伤疼痛。




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