

词汇 suit
1. 中…的意;使…方便
It is difficult to find a date that suits us all. 找一个对我们都合适的日子真的很难。
2. 适合;适宜于
The climate doesn't suit me. 这种气候对我很不适宜。
3. 使适合;使适宜
He would be ideally suited to the job. 他十分适宜做这个工作。
suit the punishment to the crime 使罪罚相当
4. 不用被动 (衣服或发型等)适合某人
The dress really suits her. 她穿这裙子很好看。
That colour doesn't suit my complexion. 这颜色不适合我的肤色。
词组suit oneself 非正式 自便
Please suit yourself. 请自便好了。
suit sb.'s book 非正式 合某人心意
It suits my book if I never have to go there again. 若我不用再去那里了,那真是求之不得。
suit sb. down to the ground 对某人非常合适
The job suits me down to the ground. 这工作对我再合适不过了。
suit sth. to sb. (或sth.) 使某物适合某人(或某物)
suit the play to the audience 使话剧迎合观众的口味




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