• “Will she come tomorrow?” “Maybe. I'm not sure.” “明天她会来吗?”“也许,我说不准。” -
• Maybe you could phone me tonight. 或许你可在今晚打电话给我。
maybe, perhaps
1. 这两个词意思几乎一样,都表示“或许”、“可能”。不过,maybe常用于非正式会话中,用于句首;而perhaps则正式一些,可用于句首以外的其它位置。maybe在英国英语中远不及perhaps普遍,但在美国英语中却很普遍。试比较:
Maybe/Perhaps the weather will get better.天气或许会转好。
New York is perhaps the most interesting city in the US. 纽约也许是美国最有意思的城市。
2. maybe, may be
maybe是副词,而may be是动词词组,必须拼为两个词。后者表示的可能性没有前者高。试比较:
Maybe they have lost our address. 他们大概把我们的地址给弄丢了。
It may be that they have lost our address. 他们或许是把我们的地址给弄丢了。(言下之意: 也许不是)