

词汇 seize
1. 抓住
She seized the child by the collar. 她抓住孩子的衣领。
The boy seized the candies from his mother. 小男孩一把抢过他妈妈手中的糖果。
2. 掌握,理解,领会
I couldn't seize the meaning of his remarks. 我无法理解他话中的意思。
3. 夺取(某物);获得;占据
The army had seized power. 军队夺取了政权。
seize a plane 劫持飞机
4. 逮捕;俘虏;拘留
He was seized by the police. 他被警方拘留了。
5. 抓住,把握(时机等),利用
seize an opportunity 抓住机会
6. 没收(毒品、赃物等);查封
They seized all his belongings. 他们没收了他所有的财产。
His house was seized. 他的屋子被查封了。
7. (疾病、恐惧等)侵袭;(情绪)控制
He was seized with despair. 他感到绝望。
be seized of 【律】
1. 依法占有
2. 知悉,了解到
seize hold of 抓住;占领
I readily seized hold of the chance. 我迅速抓住了机会。
seize up
1. (机器等)卡住,咬住,夹住
The engine seized up. 发动机卡住了。
2. (交通等)堵塞,拥挤
3. 中止,停顿
The meeting seized up due to an emergency. 由于紧急情况的发生,会议中止了。




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