- 1. hold on to; cling to
- ♦ 孩子们~着窗台看游行队伍。 Holding on to the windowsill, the children watched the parade.
- 2. dig up; rake; pull down
- ♦ ~土 rake earth
- ♦ ~了旧房盖新房 pull down the old house to build a new one in its place
- ♦ 城墙~了个豁口。 A breach was made in the city wall.
- 3. push aside
- ♦ ~开芦苇 push aside the reeds
- 4. strip off; take off
- ♦ ~兔皮 skin a rabbit 另见 pá
- 1. gather up; rake up
- ♦ 把枯树叶~在一起 rake together the dead leaves
- 2. stew; braise
- ♦ ~羊肉 stewed mutton
- ♦ ~鸡 braised chicken 另见 bā