

词汇 tooth
tooth/tuːθ/ ([] teeth /tiːθ/)
n C
1. 牙齿
a decayed tooth 蛀牙
I've had a tooth out at the dentist's. 我找牙医拔了一颗牙。
2. (梳子、锯条等的)齿
the teeth of a comb 梳子的齿
the teeth of a saw 锯齿
3. [teeth] 强制实施的手段
a law with teeth 能够有效实施的法律
词组be armed to the teeth 武装到牙齿 between one's teeth 低声地
speak between one's teeth 低声说
cast (或者说 fling, throw) sth. in sb.'s teeth (或fling sth. in sb.'s teeth 或throw sth. in sb.'s teeth)
1. 因某事责备某人
2. 借某事奚落某人
cut one's teeth
1. 长牙
The baby was cutting his teeth. 这小孩子正在长牙。
2. 以…起步
He cut his teeth as a doctor. 他是做医生起家的。
get (或 sink) one's teeth into 专注于
He likes a job he can get his teeth into. 他希望有一份他能潜心去做的工作。
grit one's teeth 磨牙;咬紧牙关 in spite of sb.'s teeth 不顾某人反对 in the teeth of 顶着;违抗
walk in the teeth of the wind 顶风行走
lie in (或through) one's teeth 撒弥天大谎 long in the teeth 年迈的 set one's teeth
1. 咬紧牙关
2. 决心对付困难
set sb.'s teeth on edge (或put sb.'s teeth on edge) (因吃酸果等)使某人感到不舒服 show one's teeth 作威胁姿态 tooth and nail (或claw) 竭尽全力地
We will fight tooth and nail for freedom. 我们将尽全力争取自由。




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