

词汇 touch
1. 触摸;接触;触碰
The branches were so long that they touched the window of my room. 那些树枝很长,都碰到我房间的窗户了。
I feel someone touch me on the shoulder. 我感觉有人碰到了我的肩膀。
2. 触动;感动
Her story touched all the people present. 她的故事感动了在场所有的人。
We were touched with pity on hearing the news. 听到那个消息,我们产生了怜悯之情。
3. 碰;吃;喝
He won't touch liquor and tobacco. 他烟酒不沾。
You haven't touched your lunch. What's wrong with you? 你丝毫未动你的午餐,怎么了?
4. 对付;参与
I couldn't touch the problem. 这问题我应付不了。
5. 影响到;关系到
This is an important matter which touches your future. 那是与你的前途息息相关的重要问题。
They lived in such isolation that the outside world had barely touched them. 他们过着与世隔绝的生活,外界的一切都几乎波及不到他们。
6. 达到
He can almost touch the ceiling. 他几乎能摸到天花板。
The thermometer touched 10°C below zero. 温度计达到零下10摄氏度。
7. 匹敌
No one can touch him at chess. 下象棋无人能与他匹敌。
There's nothing to touch mountain air for giving you an appetite. 再没有比山间清新的空气更能促进食欲的了。
8. 伤害;影响到
Vegetables were touched by the frost. 蔬菜受到霜害。
The war barely touched the city. 这座城市几乎没有受到战火的侵袭。
9. 添画;润色
He touched in the shades of the tree. 他添绘树影。
His hair is slightly touched with gray. 他的头发夹杂着些许灰白色。
10. 比邻;邻接
The town touches the border. 那座城镇与边界邻接。
词组touch off
1. 使爆炸
touch off a firecracker 燃放爆竹
2. 引起,引发
touch off a debate 引起一场辩论
3. 勾画出
touch off a likeness of the face 勾勒出脸部轮廓
touch on (或upon)
1. 提及;谈及
This matter was only touched on for five minutes. 这件事只是用五分钟提及了一下。
2. 涉及
This is an important decision that touches on your future. 这是影响你将来的重要决定。
3. 接近;濒于
Her actions touched on treason. 她的行为几近叛逆。
touch up
1. 修饰;润色
touch up an article 润色文章
2. 唤起回忆




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