

1. impatient; anxious
~着要出发 be impatient to set out
2. irritated; annoyed; nettled
你老唠叨他, 会把他弄~的。 If you keep nagging him, you'll make him very annoyed.
我没想到他真~了。 I didn't expect him to get angry.
3. fast; rapid; violent
水流很~。 The current is swift. or It's a strong current.
雨下得正~。 It's raining hard.
~转弯 make a sharp turn
4. urgent; pressing
事情很~, 必须立即处理。 The matter is pressing (or urgent) and must be dealt with at once.
他走得很~。 He left in a hurry.
1. worry
你怎么来得这么晚, 真把人~死啦! Why are you so late? We were worried to death about you.
2. be eager to help
~人之难 be eager to help those in need
~病人之所急 be eager to meet the needs of the patients; put oneself in a patient's position
urgency; emergency




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