

1. arrive; reach
火车~站了。 The train has arrived at the station.
~了多少人? How many people were present?
时间~了。 Time's up.
~! (answer to roll call) Here!
2. go to; leave for
~兰州去 go to Lanzhou
~群众中去 go among the masses; go into the midst of the masses
3. (used as a verb complement to show the result of an action)
办得~ can be done
说~做~ be as good as one's word
up until; up to
从星期三~星期五 from Wednesday to Friday
~目前为止 up to the present; until now; so far
工作~深夜 work late into the night
thoughtful; considerate
不~之处请原谅。 Please excuse me if I have been inconsiderate in any way.




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