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词汇 sweat
1. 出汗;流汗;发汗
sweating heavily 大汗淋漓
We were sweating after the long climb. 攀登了很长距离后,我们大汗淋漓。
2. 焦急万分
We were all really sweating when we waited for the results. 等待结果的那一刻,我们都焦急万分。
3. 非正式 辛苦工作;拼命干
For years he had sweated to keep the family fed. 数年来他拼命干活以养活这个家。
sweat away at one's work 埋头工作
4. 表面渗出水分
Cheese sweats in ripening. 乳酪变熟时表面有水。
vt 将…加热;蒸
词组sweat it 美口 为此担心
Don't sweat it. 别担心。
sweat it out 忍受到最后
They had to sweat it out until help came. 在救援到来之前,他们只好焦急地等待着。
sweat out
1. 通过排汗治好(或减轻)
sweat out a cold 出汗治伤风
2. 忍受
sweat out a five-year jail sentence 熬过5年徒刑
3. 焦急地期待
He was sweating out the results of the exams. 他正焦急地等待着考试成绩的发布。
4. 勉强应付;艰苦地争取
He sweated out the difficult test. 他勉强把艰难的测验应付过去。
At last she sweated out a master's degree. 最后她艰难地攻下了硕士学位。




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