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词汇 build
build/bɪld/ (built, built)
1. 造,盖,建筑
build railways 修铁路
build a house 盖房子
2. 建立,建设
build socialism 建设社会主义
3. 发展,培养
build a character with fortitude 培养坚毅的性格
1. 建筑;建造;从事建造业
He's been building for 20 years. 他从事建造业已经有二十年了。
2. 增长,扩大,向顶点发展
The last chords of the suite build to a crescendo. 最后的和弦将组曲引向高潮。
词组build in 使固定于他物;使成为固定物
These shelves are built in. 这些架子是嵌在墙内的。
build into 使固定于;使成为…的一部分
build a clause into a contract 把一个条款订入合同
build on 添造,加盖
This part of the school was built on later. 校舍的这一部分是后来加盖的。
build up
1. 激励,鼓舞
Parents should build children up to make them feel confident. 家长应该多鼓励孩子,以使他们树立自信心。
2. 增进…的健康
The doctor prescribed physical training to build him up. 医生嘱咐他多锻炼以增进健康。
3. 增强
build up a fund 积累资金
build up one's self-esteem 增强某人的自尊心

build, build up, construct, erect, establish, found, put up, set up

1. build表示“建立”时常后接较抽象的事物。含有在已有的基础上逐步发展之义。

He hoped to build a business empire.他希望建成一个大企业。

build up与build的意思基本相似,但语气更为强烈,侧重逐步地平稳形成和发展,所接事物也较抽象。

You can build up a fortune by regularly saving money.通过经常性的储蓄,你能积攒起一大笔钱。

2. constructbuild正式,后接factory, aircraft, sentence等。主要强调开动脑筋,以达到预期的某目的。

They are planning to construct a new supermarket.他们正在计划建造一个新的超级市场。

3. erect较正式,表示“建造”高大的楼房等,后面常接skyscraper, monument等。

The monument was erected in honor of Columbus.这纪念碑是为纪念哥伦布而建立的。

4. establish较正式,除含有found相同的意义外,侧重表示创建的东西已经永久存在。

This college was not established until some years after the date of its founding.这所学院在建院后几年才得以确立。

5. found含有为创建某种事业打基础,迈出第一步之义。

The club was founded in 1850.这个俱乐部创立于1850年。

6. put up常用于口语中以代替builderect,表示“建造”。口语中也常表示“搭建”临时简单的建筑物。

The original college buildings were put up in the 18th century.学院原有的校舍建于18世纪。

Do you know how to put up a tent? 你知道怎么搭帐篷吗?

7. set up表示“建立”组织机构时,含有尽一切努力“创建”之义。

We needed the money to set up a special school for gifted children.我们需要这笔钱为才智过人的儿童建立专门学校。





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