

词汇 tree
n C
1. 树;树木
We have two apple trees in our garden. 我们家园子里有两棵苹果树。
There were some pears on the tree. 那棵树上有些个梨子。
2. 树状图表;系统图;家谱
词组bark up the wrong tree 白费力气;认错人;捕风捉影
If he thinks he can fool me, he is barking up the wrong tree. 如果他认为能蒙了我,他可就看错人了。
(be) out of one's tree
1. 非正式 发疯了
2. 在异乡客地
grow on trees 极易得到
It doesn't grow on trees. (钱)来之不易。
in the dry tree
1. 在年老时
2. 在逆境中
in the green tree
1. 在年轻时
2. 在无忧无虑中
pull up trees 获得巨大成就
He had pulled up trees when he was very young. 他年轻时就已经很有建树。




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