

词汇 review
reviewre•view /rɪ'vjuː/
1. C,U (对形势等的)述评;回顾
He had a review of the experiences which led to his decision. 他回顾了一下那些促使他作出决定的经历。
The speaker presented a review of recent developments in the Middle East. 演讲人对中东形势的最新发展进行了述评。
2. C (报刊杂志里的)评论性文章
a film review 一篇影评
His book got good reviews. 他的书受到了好评。
3. U 评论
He sent her an offprint of the article for review. 他将文章的选印本送给她,让她作评论。
4. C (部队等的)检阅,阅兵式
The king was present at the review of the navy. 国王出席了海军的阅兵式。
5. C,U 复习,温习
I won't have enough time for a review before the examination. 考试前我将没有足够的时间复习。
6. = revue




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