

词汇 关系
1. connections; relations; relationship
夫妻~ relations between husband and wife
家庭~ family connections
社会~ social connections
2. relevance; bearing; influence; significance
这件事跟我没有~。 This matter has nothing to do with me.
你回答的话跟他所问的我看不出有什么~。 I don't see any connection between your answer and his question.
3. (usu. used with 由于 or 因为 to indicate cause or reason)
由于时间~, 就谈到这里吧。 Since time is limited, I'll have to stop here.
4. credentials showing membership in or connection with an organization
党员调动工作时要转党的~。 When a Party member is transferred to another place of work, his Party credentials are sent there.
5. concern; affect; have a bearing on; have to do with
农业~国计民生极大。 Agriculture is of vital importance to the nation's economy and the people's livelihood.




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