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词汇 land
1. (飞机)着陆
The aircraft landed safely. 飞机安全地着陆了。
2. 登陆,靠岸
His ship landed at a small port. 他的船在一个小港靠岸。
3. 落下,掉下
The cat fell from the fifth floor and landed in a tree. 小猫从五楼掉到一棵树上。
4. 陷入;到达
We landed at the cinema too late and missed the beginning of the film. 我们到电影院太迟了,没看到电影的开头。
If you go on like this, you'll land in trouble. 你要是还这样,会陷入麻烦的。
1. 使着陆,使登陆,使靠岸
land a helicopter 使直升飞机着陆
2. 卸货
We'll land our goods at Shanghai. 我们要在上海卸货。
3. 使到达(某一场所)
The taxi will land us to the airport in half an hour. 出租车会在半小时内把我们送到机场。
4. 把(鱼)捕上岸(或船)
5. 使处于某种状况
The fever landed her at home. 她因发烧而待在家里。
6. 打,击
He landed a punch on the thief's stomach. 他朝小偷的肚子上打了一拳。
7. 获得,赢得(奖金等)
She landed a position in that big company. 她成功地谋得了那家大公司的一个职位。
词组land in
1. 使降落;使掉落
land an aircraft in the field 使飞机着陆
2. 使陷入
His greed for money will land himself in trouble one day. 他对金钱的贪婪总有一天会给自己带来麻烦。
land on
1. (使)降落在
2. 责骂
His wife landed on him for his laziness. 他的妻子骂他懒惰。
land on one's feet 幸运地克服困难;侥幸地转危为安 land up
1. (使)淤塞
The sewer has been landed up. 下水道堵了。
2. (终于)到达
She landed up in Tibet. 她终于到了西藏。
After much effort, the director landed up with a contract. 导演经过了多方努力,终于签下这个合同。
land sb.with 强迫某人接受,强加
:We were landed with work at the weekend.我们周末被迫工作。 我们周末被迫工作。




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