- 1. finger
- ♦ 拇指
- 2. fingerbreadth; digit
- ♦ 两~宽的纸条 a strip of paper two fingerbreadths wide
- ♦ 下了四~雨。 We had about three inches of rain.
- 1. point at; point to
- ♦ 时针~向12点。 The hour hand points to twelve.
- ♦ 他朝那个门~了~。 He pointed his finger at that door.
- 2. indicate; point out; refer to
- ♦ ~出缺点 point out sb.'s shortcomings
- ♦ 他的话不是~你说的。 His remarks were not directed at you.
- 3. depend on; count on
- ♦ 一家子都~着我。 My wife and children depend on me.
- ♦ 他们就~着你帮忙哩。 They're counting on your help.
- 4. (of hair) stand
- ♦ 发指