- 1. choose; select; pick out
- ♦ ~个好日子举行婚礼 choose a propitious day for the wedding
- ♦ ~最好的作种子 select the best for seeds
- ♦ 把那筐西红柿~一~。 Pick over that basket of tomatoes.
- 2. nitpick; be hypercritical; be fastidious
- ♦ ~毛病 find fault
- ♦ 他讲的话你就别~错儿了。 Stop picking holes in what he said.
- 3. carry (or tote) on the shoulder with a pole; shoulder
- ♦ ~着一担菜 carrying two baskets of vegetables on a shoulder pole
- ♦ ~水点种 carry (or fetch) water for dibbling (seeds, young plants, etc.)
- ♦ ~起领导生产的重担 shoulder the heavy load of leadership in production
- ♦ 一~水 two buckets of water carried on a shoulder pole 另见 tiǎo
- 1. push sth. up with a pole or stick; raise
- ♦ 把帘子~起来 raise the curtain
- ♦ ~眉毛 raise one's eyebrows
- ♦ ~大姆指 hold up one's thumb (in approval)
- ♦ ~灯笼 hang a lantern (from a pole)
- 2. poke; pick
- ♦ ~火 poke a fire
- ♦ ~刺 pick out a splinter
- ♦ ~破水泡 prick a blister with a needle
- ♦ 把问题~开来说吧。 Let's put all the cards on the table.
- 3. stir up; instigate
- ♦ ~事 stir up trouble; sow discord
- ♦ 这口舌是他~起来的。 It was he who stirred up the quarrel.
另见 tiāo