释义 |
建筑- 1. build; construct; erect
- ♦ ~铁路 build a railway
- ♦ 你不能把自己的幸福~在别人的痛苦上。 You shouldn't build your happiness on the suffering of other people.
- 2. building; structure; edifice
- ♦ 古老的~ an ancient building
- ♦ 宏伟的~ a magnificent structure
- 3. architecture
- ♦ 他是学现代~的。 His speciality is modern architecture.
- ♦ ~设计 architectural design
~材料 building materials~工程学 architectural engineering~工地 building site; construction site~工人 building worker; builder~红线 property line~面积 built-up area; floorage~群 architectural complex~设计 architectural design~师 architect~物 building; structure~学 architecture~业 building industry~造价 construction costs