

词汇 shoot
shoot/ʃuːt/ (shot, shot)
1. 射中;射死
He was shot in the leg. 他的腿上中了一枪。
The escaped prisoner was shot dead by the police. 逃犯被警察击毙。
2. 开(枪);放(炮)
shoot a rifle 开枪
shoot an arrow 射箭
3. 打(猎物);射猎
He often shot birds in the wood. 他常常在树林里打鸟。
4. 投篮;射门;射门得分
shoot the basket( 篮球)投篮
shoot three goals 攻入三个球
5. 打(弹子或高尔夫球等)
He likes shooting golf. 他喜欢打高尔夫球。
shoot pool 打弹子
6. 向某人投以(目光等);抛出
They shot angry glances at him. 他们向他投去愤怒的目光。
7. 为…拍照;拍摄
The director was busy in shooting a new film. 导演正忙着拍摄一部新电影。
8. 迅速穿过
The car shot the traffic lights. 汽车疾速闯过红灯。
9. 注射
shoot heroin 注射海洛因
1. 射击;射箭
The arrow shoots many meters. 这支箭能射好几米。
2. 发芽;长苗
The tree was shooting in this spring. 今年春天这棵树发芽了。
3. 拍照;拍电影;拍摄
shoot in color 拍彩色照片(或电影)
4. 飞驰;飞快移动
Flash shoots across the sky. 闪光飞快掠过天空。
词组be (或get) shot of sth.(或sb.) 摆脱某物(或某人) shoot at
1. 向…射
shoot at a bird 打鸟
2. 试图达到;以…为目标
shoot at a high output 力争高产
shoot down
1. 击落
The plane was shot down in flames. 飞机被击落起火。
2. 击毙;击伤
He was shot down by a soldier. 他被一名士兵击毙。
3. 坚决拒绝;不批准
shoot down a proposal 否决一个建议
shoot for 为…而努力;争取做到
shoot for an increase in production 力争生产增长
shoot off
1. 发射;使爆炸
shoot off firecrackers 放鞭炮
2. 开枪
shoot off a gun 开炮
shoot through 逃离;离去 shoot one's mouth off (about sth.)
1. 夸张;吹牛
Danny is always shooting his mouth off about his achievement. 丹尼总是吹嘘他的成就。
2. 轻率地谈论
Don't shoot your mouth off about this issue. 不要随便谈论这件事情。
shoot the breeze(或bull) 聊天;闲聊
We sat in the bar shooting the breeze. 我们坐在酒吧闲聊。
shoot up
1. 猛增;暴涨
The price shot up to an unbelievable level. 价格猛涨到了令人无法相信的程度。
2. 发芽;长高;长大
The child shot up quickly. 这孩子长得很快。
3. 击毙;开枪打伤
4. 注射(毒品等)
shoot one's way out of sth. 杀出某处
The criminals shot their way out of the prison. 囚犯们一路开枪杀出监狱。
shoot one's bolt 竭尽全力




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