

词汇 shop
1. C 主英 商店,店铺
a pet shop 宠物商店
After retiring he began to run a shop. 退休之后他开始经营一家小铺子。
2. C 作坊,工厂
a carpenter's shop 木工厂
3. U 手艺课
4. 用作单 英口 购物
do the daily shop 做日常的购物
all over the shop 英口
1. 凌乱地放置,到处都是
His clothes were all over the shop. 他的衣服到处都是。
2. 到处,四处
He looked for a dwelling all over the shop. 他到处找住处。
set up shop 开店;开始经营;开始工作
He set up shop as a doctor after graduation. 毕业后他开始当医生。
shut (up) shop
1. 打烊;关店
The shopkeeper shut up shop early today. 今天店主早早打烊。
2. 停业;停止工作
The club finished its business and shut up shop. 俱乐部的生意结束了,并且停止活动。
talk shop 非正式 三句不离本行;说行话
They are talking shop and I can't understand them. 他们在大谈行话,我根本不明白。




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