

词汇 hit
hit/hɪt/ (hit, hit;hitting)
1. 打,击
She hit him on the nose. 她一拳打在他的鼻子上。
2. 碰撞,撞到
The car hit the lamppost. 那辆车撞上了灯柱。
The ship hit the iceberg and wrecked. 船撞在冰山上失事了。
3. 碰上…;撞…
She hit her head hard when she fell down. 她倒下的时候,头重重地碰到地上。
4. 【棒】 安打
5. (用语言等)抨击
The film was hit by some reviews. 那部电影受到了几篇评论文章的严厉批评。
6. (精神上)打击;伤…的感情
The bankruptcy of the company hit him hard. 公司的倒闭给他的打击很大。
7. (不幸、疾病或坏天气等)袭击;使遭受
The area was hit by a tornado. 这一地区遭受了龙卷风的袭击。
8. 达到(某种程度、数目)
The steel products prices have hit rock-bottom. 钢材价格己达到了最低点。
9. 偶然碰到(困难、难题等)
hit a snag 碰上意外的困难
10. 非正式 被…想起
It suddenly hit Anna that she had seen him before. 安娜突然想起以前曾见过他。
11. 杀死,抢劫
1. 对…打去
I hit at him in anger. 我生气地朝他打过去。
2. 碰撞
The car hit against the guardrail. 那辆汽车撞上了护栏。
3. 攻击
His speech hit at the government project. 他的发言对政府计划进行了抨击。
词组hit back 回击,反击
Jill hit back with a few well-chosen words at Martha's arrogance. 针对玛莎的傲慢,吉尔想好了几句话来回击她。
hit it off (with sb.) 非正式 和某人相处融洽 hit on (或upon) 偶然碰上(或想起)
I hit on a marvelous idea. 我突然想出一条妙计。
I hit on (或upon) this dictionary in a second-hand bookstore. 我在一家二手书店发现了这本字典。
hit out at (或against) 强烈谴责 hit sb. up for sth. 美口 向某人要… hit the bottle 非正式 酗酒过量 hit the nail on the head 主口 正中要害,说到点子上 hit the road 离开,启程,上路 hit the roof(或ceiling) 大发雷霆,暴跳如雷




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